Let it Ride poker

If you are a poker enthusiast, then you must have tried a lot of poker games. All the poker games are based on cards. It also involves sometimes betting which adds some extra flavor to the game. Poker has a lot of variations- jolly poker, Caribbean stud poker, draw poker, seven-card stud, and Let It Ride is also one of them. 

The basic approach of all the poker game is the same. But as the activity rolls on, each poker gets diverted from another. So you may have the expertise in a particular one, but the game in the next casino counter may appear difficult to you. Let It Ride also has some special characteristics that may be unknown to you. Here in this article, we will try our best to deliver you a bright idea of the poker game Let It Ride.


About Let It Ride

Let It Ride Poker is originated from the card game five-card stud. It was actually originated at the time of civil war in America, was popular among the soldiers during their pastime. The five-card stud system deals with 5 cards all total. In those five cards, there are three playing cards, and the last two are community cards. The community cards are kept unknown to the players initially. Just after the reveal of community cards, the gamblers can withdraw their submitted wagers. 

If any player does not want to withdraw their part, they have to say “Let It Ride.” For this reason, the game is named such. After the final disclosure of the card, the winner is decided, and revenue is returned to the gamblers as per the paytable. Some of the wages (about 3%) are taken from the introductory amount as the casino deposit. This cannot be withdrawn. All the strategies in the Let It Ride game affect the paytable structure vastly.

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Introductory steps

If you are accustomed to poker card games, then you may know the preliminary treads in poker. As we are targeting totally unknown players in this article, we will discuss the basic steps also.

  • After the shuffling of the deck, five cards are drawn- 2 community and 3 playing cards. The playing cards are introduced in the game at that moment, but the community cards are not disclosed then.
  • The person who passes the card at first is known as the dealer. The dealer passes the very first card to his left. The playing card is slipped first, then the first community card, then the second playing, then another community, and the final card is dealt with.
  • The gamblers have to submit the chips in three different places as they are allowed to withdraw one-third of their wages twice only. The last box of chips cannot be taken back at all.
  • At the end of the deal, the players reveal their hands, and the winner is decided. 
  • After that, all the participants get the return of their introduced wages as per the paytable scheduled.

This is the basic road map of the Let It Ride Poker. It followed in all the casinos approximately. Only the paytable may change a little.


Major points of the game

After knowing about the fundamental footsteps of the game, you have to grasp the key points of the game. It will help you to understand the game perfectly and to perform nicely on the table. 

The major points of Let It Ride are:

  • You can withdraw your deposited chips twice, each time one-third of the total amount.
  • You have to keep the exact same amount of chips in the three positions.
  • You can withdraw the chips just after facing up of community cards is done.
  • You are not allowed to discuss the cards before the ending of the deal.
  • You should bet when you have the best hand according to your confidence. The combination of 4 or 5 cards is considered as the best hand most of the time.
  • Study the paytable first to get an idea about the RTP (return to player) of the game.

All these above points will be your absolute support at the game Let It Ride. The players must keep these things in mind while sitting for the game.


Best hand combinations

There is a broad list of fantastic combinations of hand in Let It Ride Poker. Each of these associations is equally important and can help you out a lot in adverse situations during the game. 

The commonly known hand combinations are:

  1. Flush– The most ordinary but fabulous hand sequence. All the cards will be of the same suit, but may not be in proper order.
  2. Straight– In this hand, all the cards will be in a certain sequence, but the suit of the cards may not be the same.
  3. Straight flush– This is an ultimate synergy of rank and suit. You can try this hand when you have no wild card. The cards must be in order according to rank.
  4. One pair combo– You can create just one combination pair from the available deck.
  5. Two pair combo– In this combo, you can build two pairs of the same suits. So you should have two pairs of the exact same card.
  6. Full house– From the accessible 5 cards, 3 cards will be of a particular rank, and the other 2 will be from another rank. The suit may vary from one another.
  7. Five of a kind– The best hand you can make in Let It Ride Poker. On this hand, you must have one or two wild cards among the handy cards. The minimum criterion for this sequence is one wild card.
  8. Four of a Kind– Four cards of the same suit or rank can make this perfect arrangement in your hand.
  9. Three of a kind– At least three cards should be of the same rank; the other two may be of different rank.

These are the fundamental combination used conventionally in the Let It Ride poker game. But you may also work out your own unique hand combinations. 


Side bet

There is a side bet to be had in Let It Ride. Every gambler gets an opportunity to play the side bet. When this particular poker game was invented in late 1995, the players having the best hand combinations (more precisely a royal flush) were invited to a separate tournament of Let It Ride. This tournament was of huge budget and had created a good opportunity for every poker game enthusiasts. 

The grand tournament was abolished in the long run. But the side bet is continuing to date. There is a bonus playoff for the best hand achievers. The pay range for the side bet differs from the actual paytable of Let It Ride. Even the casinos have set their own paytable for the side bet. Normally most of the casinos offer side bets as they have a percentage cut from the deposited chips for this additional activity. So after playing the normal game, you can participate inside bet also.


The strategy of the game

Each poker game runs on separate strategies that assist the gambler in winning the hand. This game also has some distinct strategies invented by Let It Ride experts. The novice players can get the idea of the strategic approach from this article, and then they can originate their own walkthrough.

The preliminary strategy that you can follow:

  • At the first community card face up, if you have a minimum of a straight flush with a high card, don’t withdraw the bet; make it Let It Ride.
  • But for the second time, don’t withdraw your bet only when you have four consecutive high cards creating a flush.
  • Don’t bet a high amount as the winning percentage in the Let It Ride poker game is very low.
  • Consider the cut edge of the casino authority before making the call.
  • Always put a bet after studying the paytable wisely. A beginner gambler must not place a bet of the maximum amount at the first table.

These basic strategies of Let It Ride are very helpful to a learner as he does not have not a vast idea of the poker game.

Mistakes to avoid in Let It Ride

 A beginner player can make some mistakes in his very first poker game. The common mistakes are-

  • Don’t play your cards too fast. Take your time to absorb the game in yourself; then play your hand.
  • Don’t take too much risk. A little bit of risk-taking behavior is permissible, but not too much. It will affect your winning probability.
  • Always play the bet as per your budget. Don’t copy others and end in making a loss at last.
  • Don’t participate in the side bets if you do not have enough confidence in your hand.

Remember the above mistakes before you sit for the game and play a flawless hand — best of luck.